Christmas Co-Cast SQ-30 Swan Call




Product Description

The Swan Quarter call was made by request from Guide Service Brad Gurganus and Brett Mason of Swan Quarter North Carolina. The Swan quarter call was made for the Tundra Swan. Request from Guide Service Brad Gurganus and guide Brett Mason this swan call has become very popular for swan hunters. This call can produce high-low and the low-high sounds of the swan. The call also produces the purr sound of a contented swan. Brett Mason took 2nd. place in the 2009 world swan calling contest at Washington, NC. Brett was using our stock Swan Quarter call. Click on the video tab to hear Brett doing some calling. For a hunt of a lifetime call Brad Gurganus Guide Service @ 252-944-5636. You need to apply for a swan permit from July through September, call Brad or North Carolina permit office for more information.